This folder contains the IRAC mosaics from Marusa's SRELICS program (4 epochs per cluster) plus DDT program (2 epochs per cluster) for all RELICS clusters. The full-depth mosaics will reach ~ 5.4 hours per channel per cluster. I am making mosaicks using Russell Ryan's IDL script that wraps around MOPEX. I am also making empirical PSFs by stacking point sources in the field for each channel. All mosaics are made using pixfrac = 0.1 to attain better spatial resolution. The folder is structure as cluster_name/ch[12] where the images are inside the folders of each channel under each cluster. The file names should be self-explanatory. The only thing to note is that, due to the design of the observations, ch1 and ch2 don't have the same footprint, and MOPEX (the software I use to make mosaics) don't usually produce images of the same dimension in both channels. In that case, I resampled both images using SWarp so that both channels are on the same pixel grid. The resampled images have the file names *_swp_drz.fits (for science image) and *_swp_wht.fits (for weight maps). If you have questions about these mosaics, please contact me at -- Kuang-Han Huang, 03/28/2017